PHPCounter VII

Unique Visitors

Analysing log file for the Epoch starting on 02 Nov 13.

Total number of different visitors: 99 visitor(s)
    which is 1.24 pages per visitor on average.

Rank Visitor Number of Visits »
1crawl-66-249-75-3 .googlebot .com»5 (4.07%)Filter
291 .232 .96 .36»4 (3.25%)Filter
3 .»3 (2.44%)Filter
4c-98-202-155-236 .hsd1 .ut .comcast .net»3 (2.44%)Filter
546 .249 .58 .20»3 (2.44%)Filter
698 .202 .155 .236»2 (1.63%)Filter
7host40 .server14 .vpn999 .com»2 (1.63%)Filter
85 .135 .214 .242»2 (1.63%)Filter
9host8 .server11 .vpn999 .com»2 (1.63%)Filter
10host38 .server10 .vpn999 .com»2 (1.63%)Filter
11178 .32 .54 .163»2 (1.63%)Filter
12static .178-63-199-164 .clients .your-server .de»2 (1.63%)Filter
13unknown .xeex .net»2 (1.63%)Filter
14h37-220-15-184 .host .redstation .co .uk»2 (1.63%)Filter
15host .colocrossing .com»2 (1.63%)Filter
16hosted-by .leaseweb .com»2 (1.63%)Filter
1798 .202 .155 .236, 172 .16 .10 .55»1 (0.81%)Filter
18host39 .server10 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
195 .10 .83 .94-static .reverse .softlayer .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
205 .10 .83 .14-static .reverse .softlayer .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
21host32 .server8 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
22host2 .server5 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
23176 .61 .141 .168»1 (0.81%)Filter
24208 .89 .212 .75»1 (0.81%)Filter
25196 .196 .20 .187»1 (0.81%)Filter
26host29 .server12 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
27185 .3 .134 .236»1 (0.81%)Filter
28130 .255 .185 .41»1 (0.81%)Filter
29host-196-47-132-170 .afnet .net»1 (0.81%)Filter
30host19 .server10 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
31218 .204 .23 .4»1 (0.81%)Filter
32host20 .server6 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
33mail .andrewluj .net»1 (0.81%)Filter
345 .10 .83 .30-static .reverse .softlayer .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
3581 .4 .120 .83»1 (0.81%)Filter
36184-82-34-102 .static .hostnoc .net»1 (0.81%)Filter
37173 .0 .48 .135»1 (0.81%)Filter
3850 .31 .114 .180»1 (0.81%)Filter
39208-115-111-72-reverse .wowrack .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
4064-191-51-159 .static .hostnoc .net»1 (0.81%)Filter
41msnbot-157-55-32-103 .search .msn .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
4237 .59 .200 .229»1 (0.81%)Filter
43192 .95 .39 .138»1 (0.81%)Filter
44192 .186 .156 .12»1 (0.81%)Filter
45173 .0 .53 .102»1 (0.81%)Filter
46host15 .server15 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
47199 .180 .131 .102»1 (0.81%)Filter
48msnbot-65-55-24-221 .search .msn .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
49host24 .server10 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
50host9 .server8 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
51host13 .server9 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
5237 .59 .131 .116»1 (0.81%)Filter
53149 .255 .111 .43»1 (0.81%)Filter
54cleanmail3 .tsdc .co»1 (0.81%)Filter
5523 .19 .171 .79 .rdns .ubiquity .io»1 (0.81%)Filter
5637 .59 .71 .177»1 (0.81%)Filter
57host20 .server1 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
58173 .0 .54 .162»1 (0.81%)Filter
59151 .237 .188 .132»1 (0.81%)Filter
60216 .152 .248 .90»1 (0.81%)Filter
61188 .165 .120 .117»1 (0.81%)Filter
625 .157 .55 .213»1 (0.81%)Filter
63host-41 .46 .121 .3 .tedata .net»1 (0.81%)Filter
64msnbot-157-56-92-144 .search .msn .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
65dns106 .rootleveltech .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
66192 .210 .213 .93»1 (0.81%)Filter
67anon-37-37 .vpn .ipredator .se»1 (0.81%)Filter
68197 .252 .2 .19»1 (0.81%)Filter
69176 .31 .44 .234»1 (0.81%)Filter
70198 .167 .138 .108»1 (0.81%)Filter
7150 .31 .114 .209»1 (0.81%)Filter
72hosted-by .slaskdatacenter .pl»1 (0.81%)Filter
73192 .3 .180 .138»1 (0.81%)Filter
74185 .3 .134 .232»1 (0.81%)Filter
7572-29-78-189 .static .dimenoc .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
7674 .221 .223 .11»1 (0.81%)Filter
775 .135 .113 .247»1 (0.81%)Filter
7881 .4 .120 .72»1 (0.81%)Filter
79market4cheap .net»1 (0.81%)Filter
80178-194-2-50 .static-reverse .dallas-cloud .serverhub .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
81host10 .server5 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
82msnbot-157-55-34-35 .search .msn .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
83fixed-188-134-45 .iusacell .net»1 (0.81%)Filter
84192 .184 .84 .19»1 (0.81%)Filter
85208 .89 .211 .194»1 (0.81%)Filter
86host15 .server14 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
87ks4004327 .ip-142-4-214 .net»1 (0.81%)Filter
88192 .119 .144 .139»1 (0.81%)Filter
8937 .59 .180 .143»1 (0.81%)Filter
90130 .255 .185 .123»1 (0.81%)Filter
9174 .221 .223 .51»1 (0.81%)Filter
9261 .133 .125 .162»1 (0.81%)Filter
93static .252 .166 .76 .144 .clients .your-server .de»1 (0.81%)Filter
94178 .32 .120 .104»1 (0.81%)Filter
95184-82-237-153 .static .hostnoc .net»1 (0.81%)Filter
96host39 .server9 .vpn999 .com»1 (0.81%)Filter
97h37-220-13-60 .host .redstation .co .uk»1 (0.81%)Filter
9837 .203 .212 .63»1 (0.81%)Filter
9991 .121 .48 .80»1 (0.81%)Filter

PHPCounter 7 Core Plugin Referering URL List - 07Dec04 Release
Copyright © 2003 Pierre Far. Free for non-commercial use.
Plugin took 0.0024340152740479 second(s) to complete.

PHPCounter 7.2 ©2005 Pierre Far.